
Did you know there are 4 different types of influenza viruses? Find out more about the flu & how it can be distinguished from other respiratory viruses.

The BioFire® FilmArray® System: Simple Tips for Maintenance and Use

Here are some simple steps to help maintain your BioFire FilmArray System, prevent problems from arising, and ensure accurate results.

AMR Quiz

Can you complete the antimicrobial resistance challenge? Stop the bug from becoming a superbug before time runs out!

The Link Between COVID-19 and Antimicrobial Resistance

COVID-19 and sepsis go hand in hand for COVID-19 patients who are hospitalized in the ICU. Here we dig into the connection between COVID-19 and sepsis.

Human Rhinovirus: The Most Common of the Common Colds

Many pathogens can cause cold symptoms. But the most frequent culprit are human rhinoviruses which cause more than half of cold-like illnesses. Find out more.

7 Benefits of PCR Testing for Infectious Diseases

BioFire’s PCR testing for infectious diseases provides proven operational, clinical, and economic benefits. Explore the benefits.

Why Nurses Should be Key Participants in ASPs

Nurses play a key position to impact antimicrobial stewardship efforts as they are antibiotic first responders. Learn more about nurses roles in ASPs.

The Value of Syndromic Testing for Gastroenteritis

With traditional testing, diagnosing gastroenteritis is a guessing game. On the other hand, syndromic testing can lead to better informed therapy.

The Link Between COVID-19 and Sepsis

COVID-19 and sepsis go hand in hand for COVID-19 patients who are hospitalized in the ICU. Here we dig into the connection between COVID-19 and sepsis.

How Were Infections Treated Before Antimicrobial Therapies?

From medieval leeches to multiplex PCR, discover the fascinating history of infectious disease treatments around the world.