Syndromic Testing with the BioFire System
The BioFire System combines speed, ease of use, and a growing portfolio of comprehensive panels into one sample-to-answer system. BioFire offers a syndromic infectious disease testing approach that targets a broad menu of possible pathogens in one rapid test. Because of its ease of use, the BioFire System can be used around the clock, removing the need to delay or send out certain tests. Additionally, BioFire’s molecular diagnostics may enable long-term cost savings compared with traditional testing solutions.
The BioFire System takes just two minutes of hands-on lab technician time without precise measuring or pipetting. The sample is automatically analyzed and results are reported in an easy-to-read format.
The BioFire® FilmArray® Panels have a run-time of about one hour, allowing labs to provide answers to physicians in a clinically relevant time frame.
Syndromic molecular diagnostics can help labs to streamline their workflow by reducing serial or send-out testing. The comprehensive BioFire Panels can also help detect co-infections as well as uncommon pathogens.