Local infectious disease epidemiology
While the CDC and the WHO strive to keep tabs on diseases and disorders, local healthcare providers and health systems can similarly benefit from knowing what pathogens are circulating in the community on a micro level—although gathering that data in a rapid timeframe can be a daunting challenge.
BioFire® Syndromic Trends (Trend) can help make some of that information rapidly accessible. BioFire Trend is a software feature available to labs that use the BioFire® FilmArray® System for infectious disease diagnostics. Data from diagnostic tests run on the BioFire System are de-identified and aggregated with other participating institutions’ test data, enabling institutions to view pathogen trends for their own lab, as well as regional and national trends.
BioFire provides this software feature to BioFire System users as a tracking and reporting tool to help in the fight against infectious disease. BioFire Trend may help hospitals, public health organizations, and epidemiologists spot outbreaks and detect emerging pathogens in a community. More specifically, BioFire Trend can provide valuable information to infectious disease doctors, antimicrobial stewardship committees, infection control committees, and hospital administrators. With early awareness of a pathogen spike in their region, these various stakeholders can prepare to see an uptick at their own institutions.
A recent study indicates that BioFire Trend makes information available sooner, as test results are uploaded to the database within a few hours of completion, compared with a timeframe of up to 10 days for other diagnostic-based reporting systems.3 The study also concluded that “Syndromic Trends will be able to provide high-resolution analysis of circulating respiratory pathogens and may aid in the detection of new outbreaks.”3